OPSEU Local 317 Bracebridge, Dorset, Gravenhurst, Huntsville, and Surrounding Areas . . . .


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General Meetings

. . . .General Meeting for April 26, 2001 . . . .

The following attended: Eric Roth, Paul Devillers, Don Evans, Cindy McPhail, Brian


Eric welcomes everyone.

MINUTES OF THE MEETING everyone read the minutes for Feb.22, 2001 Brian
Wilson accepted the minutes, Paul 2nd, everyone for carried... March 22, 2001 Paul
moved to accept the minutes Don 2nd everyone for...carried.

Financial Statement:

No revenues this month,

Next report Paul will bring an adjustments to next meeting for convention pay outs.

Don suggested we move some money to investment after the AGM meeting in June
we will vote on it at that time.

Paul will put a budget proposal together in May.

Paul put a motion to accept the financial report Cindy 2nd everyone for. Carried.

New Business:

Paul and Larry grievances 2nd stage this was a group grievance 3 people showed up .

The local spent $165.20 for traveling time.

When the call is made to go for a grievance should the griever pay, or should human
resource center go to the griever place of employment, or should the employer pick up
the traveling expense for other place for the meeting if the employer does not want to

Eric is to check on this mater and will advise at next meeting.

Don suggested telephone conference.

AGM MEETING June 5, 2001. Leah Casselman is to be coming as a guest speaker Larry
is to send out an advanced letter to confirm.

Meeting for the AGM will be looked into Bracebridge was suggested by Larry. Brian
suggested looking at other areas will be discussed at the next meeting, suggested
places are Grand view,Best western.

Also suggested we invite B.P.S. Huntsville ,Graven Hurst, Bracebridge.

Spouses should be invited to the A.G.M. Also the press to cover Leah visit then
conduct our order of business.

Brian would like to see the information published well in advanced to get the people
out to hear Leah.

Brian also liked the information from the conventions brought tonight.

Meetings will be posted 1 week prior with the minutes of last meeting to review.

Thursday and Tuesday are only experimental to see if will get the people involved
more but the 2nd Wednesday are the usual nights of the month suggestions are

Cindy brought forward a suggested to go on a website with OPSEU to help keep
everyone informed, will be discussed more at next meeting.

Next meeting is May 15, 2001. At Tall Trees in Huntsville, Ontario. At 700PM .

Meeting adjourned at 915 pm Eric motioned Paul 2nd everyone for. Carried.